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Gig Breaker respects all members privacy and their intellectual and copyrighted material. and its properties will not sell, give or make available your personal information or your intellectual property to anyone outside of and its properties unless such an agreement is entered into by you (The Musician). We will post on this Website any information you provide to us while your "Gig Page" or other account is "live" or active. That information will not be given or sold to anyone by Gig Breaker properties. Please be advised that any information that you provide can or could be posted on, and other properties and/or any social media website associated with Gig Breaker and/or used for advertising purposes that relate to and properties of Gig Breaker Productions, LLC This website is also an entertainment, information and social site, so you may elect or NOT elect to provide certain personal, sensitive material (phone number, address, etc.). This information is all voluntary by you. If you do elect to post or sign up, or become a member in the Gig Breaker community please be advised that your pages could be linked to other social media websites; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and other social media websites. The information you provide on your "Gig Page" can then be accessed through these websites. If at any time you would like us to remove any information that you provided to us please fill out the following Contact Form
Privacy and Terms of Use
About Video Uploads:

Any video uploaded to and its properties is a video that was uploaded to by the end user. The end user is granting and it's associated websites the right to use your video and/or song to help promote you, the end user and/or and its properties. If your video is uploaded on and then uploaded by you to ( and its properties) we then can use it on our websites, in other products/services including streaming audio and also on our social media sites. If for any reason you no longer want us to use your video and/or song on our websites, please fill out the following Contact Form and we will delete it. We WILL NOT sell or otherwise distribute your video or music for profit unless such services are agreed upon contractually. As stated we will only use your uploaded videos and/or songs on our social media webisites and and other properties owned by Gig Breaker Productions, LLC
Gig Breaker WILL NOT be held responsible for any action or actions that are the result of an end user (anyone that uploads their information on, or related properties). Gig Breaker and it's partners are not associated with any views, opinions, political, social or otherwise that an end user may have. By posting on this website you can not hold Gig Breaker Productions, LLC responsible for anything. Gig Breaker, LLC is not responsible for an end users content. All end users accept full responsibility for their content, whether legal or not. Gig Breaker Productions, LLC is not associated with any end users content, including submissions the end user provides on their "sign up" form or "Gig Page". By uploading your photos and videos to this website you are giving and Gig Breaker Productions, LLC and all other legal partners the right to use them in promotional materials. You are also granting and all legal partners use of your materials on all corresponding social websites that are associated with Gig Breaker properties.

Cover Songs Usage and Copyrighted Material
Gig Breaker is not responsible for content provided to us from any other party (end user). We do provide an outlet for talented individuals to demonstrate their abilities. IF this ability includes playing copyrighted music from others then it's at the discretion of the artist who or whom have submitted that music to us. Copyrighted Material if an artist (end user) submits a copyrighted work, then they are the responsible party, not Gig Breaker,, or Gig Breaker Productions, LLC. Gig Breaker provides a "web page or Gig Page" for artists and musicians (end users) to demonstrate their talents. All legal copyright concerns need to be addressed with the legal owner. This is unrealted to Gig Breaker,, and Gig Breaker Productions, LLC ALL end users are responsible to clear ALL such usage legalities.
Gig Breaker does not take any responsibility for copyrighted merchandise, brands or any other product or products that are in photos, videos or any other digital media that is uploaded to, or Gig Breaker Productions, LLC from an end user for any of their personal pages associated with Gig Breaker properties. This responsibility is that of the end user to clear all such concerns with the respectful owners of the copyright in question, not Gig Breaker,, or Gig Breaker Productions, LLC.
End User = Person who or whom operates a licensed "Gig Page" or has access to it. Person who or whom subscribes for a service on, or any other property owned by Gig Breaker Productions, LLC
Gig Page = Any webpage covering any service and/or products offered to an end user(s) on, or other properties in which the end users data and information is displayed. Gig Breaker Productions, LLC may terminate any page at any time for any reason.
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